
As I mentioned last week, your TCB is important and without a good one, your capabilities are quite limited when it comes to attestation.

So, all right, we now live in a world where we know bugs like TPM Carte Blanche exist, and we can never go back to the world where it doesn’t. (Actually, we’ve been living in that world since 2014.) So what do we do now?

The best thing to do is probably to find a hardware Root of Trust for Measurement. Your CPU vendor may have some ideas, but a non-exhaustive list probably doesn’t leave out Boot Guard or Platform Secure Boot.

What about the millions of devices out there in the world today that don’t have a hardware RTM? Well, it turns out TPM 2.0 has some uncommonly-used features that can come in handy here.

TPM 2.0 has a feature called audit sessions, which you can read about in Part 1 of the TPM 2.0 specification. Audit sessions serve two purposes:

  • An audit session with a session key (set up by “salting” or “binding” the session) causes the TPM to use that key to calculate an HMAC over its response.
  • An audit session digest can be explicitly attested by an Attestation Key for consumption by remote verifiers, using a command called TPM2_GetSessionAuditDigest.

When you set up an audit session, it gets initialized with an “empty digest” (a buffer of all 0x00 bytes the size of the session hash algorithm like a PCR). Each time you send a command in the audit session, the session is extended:

\[commandParameterHash = hash(\hspace{0.5em}commandCode\hspace{0.5em}\| \hspace{0.5em}names\hspace{0.5em} \| \hspace{0.5em}commandParams\hspace{0.5em})\]

where \(commandCode\) is the command code constant associated with the command, \(names\) is the concatenation of all authorized TPM Names (TPM object unique identifiers; hash of public area or primary seed handle value) used in the command, and \(commandParams\) is the concatenation of all the command parameters.

\[responseParamHash = hash(\hspace{0.5em}responseCode\hspace{0.5em} \| \hspace{0.5em}commandCode\hspace{0.5em} \| \hspace{0.5em}responseParams\hspace{0.5em})\]

where \(responseCode\) is a TPM_RC value and \(responseParams\) is the concatenation of all the response parameters.

\[digest_{new} = hash(\hspace{0.5em}digest_{old}\hspace{0.5em} \| \hspace{0.5em}commandParameterHash\hspace{0.5em} \| \hspace{0.5em}responseParameterHash\hspace{0.5em})\]

These formulas can be combined into higher-layer logic that lets a verifier plug in expected command/response invocations, like in this example:

audit := tpm2.NewAudit(tpm2.TPMAlgSHA256)
getCapCmd := tpm2.GetCapabilityCommand{
	Capability:    tpm2.TPMCapPCRs,
	Property:      0,
	PropertyCount: 1,
getCapRsp := tpm2.GetCapabilityResponse{
	MoreData: false,
	CapabilityData: tpm2.TPMSCapabilityData{
		Capability: tpm2.TPMCapPCRs,
		Data: tpm2.TPMUCapabilities{
			AssignedPCR: &quote.Attested.Quote.PCRSelect,
if err := audit.Extend(&getCapCmd, &getCapRsp); err != nil {
	return err
if !bytes.Equal(auditAttest.Attested.SessionAudit.SessionDigest.Buffer, audit.Digest()) {
	return fmt.Errorf("invalid audit digest")

In the above example, a test verifier checks to make sure that the audited session proves that the caller called TPM2_GetCapability(TPM_CAP_PCRS) and got back the same set of PCR banks they quoted with TPM2_Quote (see this part of the same test).

This allows the verifier to establish the following web of trust:

  1. The AK is trusted because the caller provided an AK certificate.
  2. The two things signed by the AK, the PCR quote and session audit digest, are trusted because the AK is trusted in (1)
  3. The TPML_PCR_SELECTION quoted in the PCR quote is trusted because the signed audit log digest trusted in (2) is the digest of the well-known TPM2_GetCapability command with the TPM returning the same PCR selection in response.
  4. The preimage PCR values are trusted because the quote is trusted in (2) and we know from (3) that the quote covers all active PCR banks.
  5. The boot log is trusted because when replayed it results in the preimage PCR values trusted in (4).

Attesting a PCR quote, along with a reliable signal that there are no other active PCR banks on the system, helps defend against BIOS bugs where some of the PCR banks are left uncapped, by allowing the verifier to either mandate that every event in the boot log is measured into every PCR bank, or (more simply) that the device is configured correctly and only using a single PCR bank (e.g., SHA256). Because there’s not actually a good reason to have some of the software measuring into the SHA1 bank and other software measuring into the SHA256 bank.

This still leaves open other types of BIOS bugs, for instance a bug where the SHA384 PCR bank is just never extended even if it is the only active bank. (BIOS writers: please just use TPM2_PCR_Event to make the TPM do all the hashing and automagically populate every PCR.)

For a more complete example of this type of PCR attestation, please see

For more information, see last week’s blog post about TPM Carte Blanche.

Opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent the official positions of any employer(s) of mine, past or present